• “empty hand”

  • In its most basic form, karate is an art or systemized method of physical and mental activity which developed over several thousand years. As a way of enhancing mediation techniques, monks at Shaolin monasteries in China were taught vajramuchti, a martial art originating in India. These teaching became the basis for the Chinese form, ch’uan-fa or kenpo.

  • Karate is a highly dynamic physical art that balances the use of all major muscle groups with control provided through mental discipline. It provides excellent exercise while developing coordination, agility and self confidence.

    The club, or dojo, adheres strictly to the principles of self-improvement through diligent training formulated by the founder of modern karate, Gichin Funakoshi.

  • Classes are designed for students at all levels. Special training is available for beginners and children, with an emphasis on fundamentals. All students practice the basic techniques of blocking, punching, kicking and striking, with careful attention of technical details.

  • For students who are interested in attaining rank, examinations are conducted quarterly by qualified instructors (Kyu/Dan Exams).

    Kyu ranking (color belts) are conducted every 4 months. Test fee is $50 which includes certificate and belt.

    Dan exam (black belts) fee's are depend on your ranking level.

  • One time registration fee is $50.

    Please note, there is no contract and we do not accept credit charges.


These are terms for some of the basic Shotokan Karate techniques, as well as some additional vocabulary.

  • Jodan - From the neck up

    Chudan - From the neck to the belt

    Gedan - From the belt down

    Migi - Right side

    Hidari - Left side

  • Musubi Dachi - Heels together, feet at a 45° angle

    Heisoku Dachi - Feet together

    Hachiji Dachi - Open-leg stance

    Kiba Dachi - Horse-riding stance

    Zenkutsu Dachi - Front stance

    Kokutsu Dachi - Back stance

  • Gedan Barai - Low block

    Jodan Age Uke - High block

    Soto Uke - Outside-inside block

    Uchi Uke - Inside-outside block

    Morote Uke - Reinforced inside-outside block

    Shuto Uke - Knife hand block or strike

  • Choku Zuki - Straight punch

    Oi Zuki - Lunge punch

    Gyaku Zuki - Reverse punch

    Age Zuki - Rising punch

    Nukite Zuki - Finger strike

    Mawashi Zuki - Round punch

    Uraken - Backfist strike

  • Mae Geri - Front kick

    Yoki Geri Keage - Side snap kick

    Yoko Geri Kekome - Side thrust kick

    Mawashi Keage - Round house kick

    Ushiro Geri Kekome - Back thrust kick

    Ushiro Mawashi Keage - Hook kick

    Mae Ashi Mae Geri - Front leg front kick

    Mae Ashi Mawashi Geri - Front leg round kick

    Ashi Barai - Leg sweep

  • Karate - Fighting with empty hands

    Kata - Forms

    Kumite - Sparring

    Sensei - Instructor

    Sempai - Assistant instructor

    Yoi - Ready

    Hajime - Begin

    Yame - Stop

    Seiza - Proper method of kneeling

    Mokuso - Meditation

    Osu - Affirmative acknowledgement

    Rei - Bow

    Shomen Ni Rei - Bow to the front

    Sensei Ni Rei - Bow to instructor

    Otogai Ni Rei - Bow to each other

    Kiai - Explosive sound/exhalation from the diaphragm

    Kime - Focus

    Gi - Uniform

    Obi - Belt

    Kyu - Belt ranks below black belt

    Dan - Black belt ranks